Educational Advocacy
IEP/ 504 Planning, Tutoring, Educational Support
Navigating the demands of school for any child can be challenging, let alone a child diagnosed with pediatric cancer. Studies show that 25% of parents report an academic decline in their child since the cancer diagnosis. In addition to the academic challenges, students with cancer (and their siblings) are at a great risk for absenteeism.
The Austin Hatcher Foundation helps to identify the academic and social-emotional needs of its students. AHF licensed Guidance Counselor is here to educate parents and caregivers on educational resources, such as Section 504 Plan, and Individualized Education Plan (IEP), or a Student Support Plan (SSP).
The Foundation’s Educational Advocacy can also help in the following areas:
Absenteeism / Truancy:
Identifying key personnel and the documentation needed to stay compliant
Academic Tutoring:
Academic areas of concern
Organizational and Time Management Skills
Regulation Strategies and Social Skills
Conflict Resolution Strategies
Kindergarten Readiness
Middle School Readiness
College/Career Counseling
Social and Empathy Training
Navigating school is also about building the right relationships with key stakeholders. The Austin Hatcher Foundation will educate and advocate parents/caregivers with the imperative need to connect with the School Nurse, School Counselor, and/or Social Worker.